Framing and Composition
Filling the Frame
I took this photo of the sidewalk on one of our field trips downtown. To edit it, I made the yellow a lot brighter and more intense. I think this is a good example of filling the frame because the only thing in the photo is the subject and there is nothing on the corners distracting your eye.
Bug's Eye View
I took this photo on the escalator a. While editing, I made the sides stand out more and the middle of the screen stand out less. I enjoy this photo because of how geometric it is, and there is nothing in it except the stairs and the sky. I think it's a good example of bug's eye view because it's taken from the ground looking up.
Leading Lines
I took this photo on the hand rail. To edit it, I cropped it to make it narrower and I made the balls on the hand rails stand out more, and the things in the background stand out less.I think this is a good example of leading lines because the lines and what they are leading to are the main focus of the photo.
Rule of Thirds
I took this photo when i was at my my house. It's of a bird house , and I originally took it as a bug's eye view picture, but while editing it I realized that I loved all the negative space around the bird house so I cropped it to emphasize that even more. I think this is a good rule of thirds shot because the only thing this photo is focusing on is the lamp post, and it's a third of the way from the left side of the picture.
I took this photo on one of our walking field trips downtown as well. To edit it, I made the colors more dramatic, changing it from a plain orange to red brown. I think that this makes the diagonal lines stand out a lot more. I think this is a good example of diagonals because the lines are the only thing in the photo and your eyes are immediately drawn to them and they are a good example of diagonal lines.
Close Up
This photo is of a maple leaf. While taking this and editing it, I decided to make the focus of this picture the viens on the leef, because that is different that what you would expect and I love how they look on the leef. I think this is a good example of a close up because it's so close that it's only focused on certain things.
Bird's Eye View
I took this photo in my back yard. To edit it, I cropped it a bit to take out things that were unnecessary and I made the reds stand out a bit more. I like this photo because you're not really sure what to focus on, and I think that that makes it different from my other photos, because I usually have a certain focal point. I think this is a good example of a bird's eye view because it is taken from above the subject looking down on it.
Frame Within a Frame
I also took this photo at the water front. While editing, I cropped it to put the focus in the middle, I muted the colors in the background so that the Bars and grass stand out most. I enjoy this photo because I love the colors in it and the effect the silhouette gives to it. I think this is a good example of frame within a frame because the Bars are going into each bar.